•Akhal-Teke Association of America
P.O. Box 1635,
Rolla, MO 65402
Email: aatasecretary@wavecomputers.net
Website: www.akhal-teke.org
American Indian Horse Registry, Inc.
Rancho San Francisco
9028 State Park Road,
Lockhart, TX 78644
Website: www.indianhorse.com
American Appendix Horse Association
P.O. Box 1156, Salmon, ID 83467
(208) 756-1394
Email: register@americanappendix.com
Website: www.americanappendix.com
International Andalusian &
Lusitano Horse Association
Email: info@ialha.org
Website: ialha.org
Appaloosa Horse Club, Inc.
2720 West Pullman Road,
Moscow, ID 83843
208-882-5578; Fax: 208-882-8150
Website: www.appaloosa.com
Appaloosa Sport Horse Association
1550 Opelika Road, Suite 6/337,
Auburn, AL 36830
Phone: (334)750-4052; Fax (334)501-7467
Email: wrhodes@apsha.org
Website: www.apsha.org

International Colored Appaloosa Association, Inc.
P. O. Box 99,
Shipshewana, IN 46565
Phone/fax: 574-825-3331
Email: ICAA@aol.com
Website: www.icaainc.com/

Arabian Horse Association (AHA)
10805 E. Bethany Drive,
Aurora, CO 80014-2605
303- 696-4500; Fax: 303-696-4599
Email: info@ArabianHorses.org
Website: www.ArabianHorses.org/
Arabian Horse Association Region IX
Website: www.region9aha.org

World Arabian Horse Organization
Katrina Murray, Executive Secretary
Newbarn Farmhouse, Forthampton
Gloucestershire GL19 4QD, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1684 274455
Fax: +44 (0) 1684 274422
Email: waho@compuserve.com
Website: www.waho.org/
Arabian Jockey Club
10805 E Bethany Drive,
Aurora, CO 80014
800-458-4283; Fax: 303-696-4599
Email: ajc@arabianracing.org
Website: www.arabianracing.org
American Azteca Horse International Association
P.O. Box 1577,
Rapid City, SD 57709
Website: www.americanazteca.com/
•American Bashkir Curly Registry
P. O. Box 151029,
Ely, NV 89315
775-289-4999; Fax: 775-289-8579
Email: Secretary@ABCRegistry.org
Website: www.ABCRegistry.org
Belgian Warmblood Breeding Association,
North American District
41 York Drive, St. Louis, MO 63144
(314) 989-1198 or 502) 535-6787 or fax (502) 535-4412
Email: cmfrank@qx.ne
Website: www.belgianwarmblood.com
American Buckskin Registry Association, Inc.
1141 Hartnell Avenue, Redding, CA 96002
Email: Georgijones@aol.com
Website: www.americanbuckskin.org
International Buckskin Horse Association
Lon Allen, President
P. O. Box 268,
Shelby, IN 46377-0268
Phone/fax: (219) 552-1013
Email: ibha@netnitco.net
Website: www.ibha.net

•World Conformation Horse Association
230 Causey Road
Columbia, LA 71418
(682) 235-2300
Email: falconranch@earthlink.net
Website: www.conformationhorse.com

•Chincoteague Pony Association
P.O. Box 407,
Chincoteague, VA 23336-0407
Email: chincoponyassoc@esva.net
Website: www.chincoteaguechamber.com/map-assn.html

The National Chicoteague Pony Association
Gale Park Frederick
2595 Jenson Road,
Bellingham, WA 98226
Email: GFreder426@aol.com
Website: www.pony-chincoteague.com
Cleveland Bay Horse Society of North America
P. O. Box 483,
Goshen, NH 03752
401-539-8272 or 603-863-5193
Email: cbhsna@aol.com
Website: www.clevelandbay.org
Clydesdale Breeders of the U.S.A.
17346 Kelley Road, Pecatonica, IL. 61063
815-247-8780; Fax: 815-247-8337
Website: www.clydesusa.com/
Colorado Ranger Horse Association, Inc.
Laurel Kosior, Executive Secretary
RD 1, Box 1290,
Wampum, PA 16157
Phone/fax: 724-535-4841
Email: crha@lcix.net
Website: www.coloradoranger.com/
American Connemara Pony Society
P.O. Box 13385, Fairlawn, OH 44334
Phone: 330-664-0871
Region VII,
Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma
Website: www.acps.org
International Curly Horse
North American Curly Horse Registry
775-269-3050; Fax: 775-259-8323
Email: office@curlyhorses.org
Website: www.CurlyHorses.org/
•The Dales Pony Association North America
P. O. Box 585, New Portland, ME 04954
Canadian Address:
P.O. Box 733.
Walkerton, ON N0G 2V0
Email: info@dalesponyassoc.com
Website: www.dalesponyassoc.com

The Dales Pony Society of America, Inc.
32 Welsh Road, Lebanon, NJ 08833
Email: info@dalesponies.com
Website: www.dalesponies.com
Dartmoor Pony Registry of America
Treasurer/Secretary/Newsleter: Ned Frybarger
295 Upper Ridgeview Road,
Columbus, NC 28722
Email: lovelongears@hotmail.com
Website: www.dartmoorpony.com/DPRA/Welcome.html
The American Donkey & Mule Society, Inc.
P. O. Box 1210, Lewisville TX 75067
(972) 219-0781;
Fax: (972) 219-0781
Email: adms@juno.com
Website: www.lovelongears.com/
Dutch Warmblood Studbook of North America (NA/WPN)
P. O. Box O,
Sutherlin, OR 97479
Physical Adress: 609 E. Central,
Sutherlin, OR 97479
541-459-3232; Fax: 541-459-2967
Email: office@kwpn-na.org
Website: kwpn-na.org
•International Friesian
Show Horse Association
Recognized Affiliate of the
Email: ifsha@friesianshowhorse.com
Website: IFSHA
Friesian Horse Association of North America
Executive Director: Jason Tice
4037 Iron Works Parkway, Suite 160,
Lexington, KY 40511-8483
859-455-7430; Fax: 859-455-7457
Email: jtice@fhana.com
Website: www.fhana.com
The Friesian Horse Society, Inc.
17670 Pioneer Trail,
Plattsmouth, NE 68048
402-298-7FHS (7347); Fax: 402-298-7569
Email: info@friesianhorsesociety.com
Website: www.friesianhorsesociety.com/
Friesian Sporthorse Association
P. O. Box 283, Seville, FL 32190
FSA Office: 386-749-0097; Registrar: 386-717-0852
Email: FSAFriesianSport@aol.com
Website: www.friesiansporthorseassociation.com/index.html
•Gotland Russ Association of North America
811 Carpenter Hill Road, Medford, OR 97501
Email: GoGotlands@aol.com
Website: www.gotlandponies.org/Welcome.html

American Gypsy Horse Breed Association
Membership: Michelle Nelson-Pawlowski
c/o AGHBA,
10437 Alta Mesa Road,
Wilton, CA 95693
Email: Membership@aghba.org
Website: www.aghba.org/
Gypsy Vanner Horse Society
Executive Director,
P. O. Box 7090, Monroe, LA 71203
888-520-9777; Fax: 940-234-1300
Email: gvbandit04@yahoo.com
Registrar, P. O. Box 65, Waynesfield, OH 45896
Email: info@gypsyvannerhorsesociety.org
Website: www.gypsyvannerhorsesociety.org/
•American Haflinger Registry
Ruth Schwab - Managing Director
1686 East Waterloo Road
Akron, OH 44306-4103
Fax: 330-784-9843
Email: ahaflinger@sbcglobal.net
Website: www.haflingerhorse.com/
American Hackney Horse Society
4059 Iron Works Parkway A-3
Lexington, KY 40511-8462
Office: 859-255-8694
Fax: 859-255-0177
Email: info@hackneysociety.com
Website: www.hackneysociety.com
American Hanoverian Society, Inc.
4067 Iron Works Parkway, Suite 1,
Lexington, KY 40511
859-255-4141; Fax: 859-255-8467
Email: AHSoffice@aol.com
Website: www.hanoverian.org
American Holsteiner Horse Association
Patricia A. Donohue, Registrar
222 E. Main Street, Suite 1,
Georgetown, KY 40324
502-863-4239; Fax: 502-868-0722
Email: ahhambr@bellsouth.net
Website: www.holsteiner.com/
Hungarian Horse Association of America
Registrar: Linda Rudolphi
281 Ruby Road,
Noble, IL 62868
Email: wineglassfarm1@yahoo.com
•Iberian Warmblood Registry International, LLC
Celebrating Iberian Horses
Of Andalusian & Lusitano Ancestry
P. O. Box 664,
Onalaska, WA 98570-9620
(360) 520-0735
Email: Registry@IberianWarmblood.com
Website: www.iberianwarmblood.com/
Icelandic Horse Society of Great Britain
Chairman: Ian Pugh, ian@oldhills.demon.co.uk
Website: www.ihsgb.co.uk/
North American Icelandic Horse Breeders Association
P.O. Box 524,
Grapeview, WA 98546
Email: info@icelandichorsebreeders.org
Website: www.icelandichorsebreeders.org/
United States Icelandic Horse Congress
Karyn Cantella, USIHC Registry
P. O. Box 1724,
Santa Ynez, CA 93460
Email: icecong@aol.com
Website: www.icelandics.org
American Indian Horse Registry
Website: www.indianhorse.com
Irish Draught Horse Society of North America
Registrar and Member Services Coordinator
4037 Iron Works Parkway, #160, Lexington, KY 40511
859-455-8090; Fax: 858-761-0264
Email: idhsna@hotmail.com
Website: www.irishdraught.com/
•Kentucky Mountain Saddle Horse Association
P.O. Box 1405, Georgetown, KY 40324
502-863-3545; Fax: 502-863-3838
Email: Office@kmsha.com
Website: www.kmsha.com
Kiger (Mustang) Horse Association & Registry
Georgetown, Texas
E-mail: kigerhorse@gmail.com
Website: kigerhorse.org/
•Lipizzan Association of North America
P. O. Box 1133,
Anderson, IN 46015
765-215-6798; Fax: 765-641-1208
Email: sandy@lipizza.org
Website: www.lipizzan.org
•American Miniature Horse Association, Inc.
5601 South I Hwy 35 W.,
Alvarado, TX 76009
817-783-5600; Fax: 817-783-6403
Email: information@amha.org
Website: www.amha.com/
American Miniature Horse Registry
81 B Queenwood Road,
Morton, IL 61550
309-263-4044; Fax: 309-263-5113
Email: info@shetlandminiature.com
Website: www.shetlandminiature.com/
International American Miniature Horse Alliance
13449 F.M. 1764,
Santa Fe, Texas 77510
Phone: 409-316-2045
Email: information@iamha.net
Website: www.iamha.net/
World Class Miniature Horse Registry
12009 Stewartsville Road,
Vinton, VA 24179
Phone/fax: 540-890-0856
Website: www.wcmhr.com/
Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association, Inc.
Suzanne Sanders
P. O. Box 1027,
Ava, MO 65608
417-683-2468; Fax: 417-683-6144
Email: foxtrot@goin.missouri.org
Website: www.mfthba.com/
International Morab Breeders Association
Linda Konichek
S. 101 W. 34628 Hwy. 99,
Eagle, WI 53119-1857
414-594-3667: Fax: 414-594-5136
Email: imba@morab.com
Website: www.morab.com
Morab Horse Association and Register
For more info see: Purebred Morab Horse Association
Website: www.puremorab.com/
Purebred Morab Horse Association, Inc. / Registry
W2802 Emons Road
Appleton, WI 54915
920/687-0188; Fax: 920/687-1818
Email: pmha@puremorab.com
Website: www.puremorab.com
American Morgan Horse Association, Inc.
P. O. Box 960,
Shelburne, VT 05482-0960
802-985-4944; Fax: 802-985-8897
Rocky Mountain Horse Association
P. O. Box 129,
Mt. Olivet, KY 41064
606-724-2354; Fax 606-724-2153
Email: information@rmhorse.com
Website: www.rmhorse.com/
United Mountain Horse, Inc./
American Gaited Mountain Horse
Rocky Mountain Horses, Kentucky Mountain Horses,
Gaited Mountain Horses
860 Kiddville Road, Winchester, KY 40391
Email: vanessa@unitedmountainhorse.org
Website: www.unitedmountainhorse.org/
American Mustang & Burro Association
George W. Berrier, Jr.
P.O. Box 608,
Greenwood, DE 19950
Website: www.ambainc.net/?page=10
American Wild Horse Preservation
Website: AWHP
North American Mustang Association and Registry
Ellen Nelson
P. O. Box 850906,
Mesquite, TX 75185-0906
Email: namarmustangs@yahoo.com
Website: www.namarmustangs.com/
International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros
Website: www.ispmb.org/
•National Show Horse Registry
Robert Peebles
10368 Bluegrass Parkway, Louisville, KY 40299
502-266-5100; Fax: 502-266-5806
Norwegian Fjord Horse Registry
1203 Appian Drive,
Webster, NY 14580
585-872-4114; Fax: 585-787-0497
Website: www.nfhr.com/
•Oldenburg Registry of North America &
International Sporthorse Registry
517 DeKalb Avenue,
Sycamore, IL 60178
815-899-7803; Fax: 815-899-7823
Website: www.isroldenburg.org/
•American Paint Horse Association
P. O. Box 961023,
Fort Worth, TX 76161-0023
817-834-APHA 2742; Fax: 817-834-3152
Website: http://www.apha.com/
*American Junior Paint Horse Association
Patty Reiber, Youth Coordinator
P. O. Box 961023,
Fort Worth, TX 76161-0023
817-834-APHA; Fax: 817-834-3152
Website: http://www.apha.com/
Palomino Horse Association, Inc.
Route 1. Box 125, Nelson, MO 65347
660-859-2064; 660-859-2058
Contact: Patricia Rebuck, palominorebuck@yahoo.com
Website: www.palominohorseassoc.com
Palomino Horse Breeders of America
Cindy Chilton
15253 E. Skelly Drive,
Tulsa, OK 74116-2637
918-438-1234; Fax: 918-438-1232
Email: yellahrses@palominohba.com
Website: www.palominohba.com/
Palomino Ponies of America
Grace DeSiervo, Secretary
160 Warbasse Junction Road,
Lafayette, NJ 07848-9408
(201) 579-2075
American Part-Blooded Horse Registry
Betty Seymour, Registrar
12294 SE 104th Ct.,
Portland, OR 97086
Website: www.americanpartbloodedhorseregistry.com
Paso Fino Horse Association, Inc.
C. J. Marcello, Jr., Executive Director
101 North Collins Street,
Plant City, FL 33566
813-719-7777; Fax: 813-719-7872
RIck Meyer, President
Email: rick.meyer@worldnet.att.net
Website: www.pasofino.org
Percheron Horse Association of America
Alex T. Christian, Secretary/Treasurer
P. O. Box 141, 10330 Quarker Road,
Fredericktown, OH 43019
740-694-3602; Fax: 740-694-3604
Website: www.percheronhorse.org/
Performance Horse Registry (PHR)
4047 Iron Works Parkway,
Lexington, KY 40511-8483
859-258-2472; Fax: 859-231-6662
Email: phr@phr.org
Website: www.phr.com/
North American Peruvian Horse Association
Email: info@NAPHA.net
Website: www.napha.net
Pinto Arabian & International-Pintabian Horses
International Spotted Horse & Pintaloosa Registry
ishrppa@aol.com or pintaloosa53@aol.com
Pinto Horse Association of America, Inc.
Darrell Bilke, Executive Vice President
7330 NW 23rd St., Bethany, OK 73008
(405) 491-0111; Fax (405) 787-0773
Email: membership@pinto.org
Website: pinto.org/
National Pinto Horse Registry
2812 Velarde Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
805-241-5533; Fax: 805-241-5533
Email: pintoregistry@msn.com
Website: www.pintohorseregistry.com/
Pony of the Americas Club, Inc.
5240 Elmwood Avenue,
Indianapolis, IN 46203
317-788-0107; Fax: 317-788-8974
Email: poac@iquest.net
Website: www.poac.org

•American Quarter Horse Association
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 200,
Amarillo, TX 79168
Overnight Delivery: 1600 Quarter Horse Dr.
Amarillo, Tx 79104
806-376-4811; Fax: 806-372-6806
Website: http://www.aqha.com
Foundation Quarter Horse Registry
P. O. Box 1221, Mena, AR 71953
Website: www.FQHA.com
National Foundation Quarter Horse Association
P. O. Box P,
Joseph, OR 97846
541-426-4403; Fax: 541-426-4206
Email: NFQHA@nfqha.net
Website: www.nfqha.com
International Quarter Pony Association
P.O. Box 230,
Lyles, TN 37098
931-670-2009, 509-949-2488, 361-729-4456, 816-250-2351
Website: www.quarterponyassociation.com
•Racking Horse Breeders Association of America
67 Horse Center Road,
Decatur, AL 35603
256-353-7225; 256-351-9242; Fax: 256-353-7266
Website: www.rackinghorse.com
•Rocky Mountain Horse Association
Website: RMH
•North American Saddle Mule Association
Email: nasma@masma.net
Website: www.nasma.us/
American Saddlebred Horse Association, Inc.
4093 Iron Works Pike,
Lexington, KY 40511
859-259-2742; Fax: 859-259-1628
Email: saddlebred@asha.net
Website: www.asha.net/
North American Selle Francais Association, Inc.
P. O. Box 579, Waynesboro, Virginia 22980
540-932-9160; Fax: 540-932-9163
Email: sellefrancais@starpower.net
Website: www.sellefrancais.org
North American Shagya-Arabian Society
Gwynn Davis, Information Officer
9797 S. Rangeline Road,
Clinton, IN 47842
Email: NASS_Informational_Officer@Shagya.net
Performance Shagya-Arabian Registry
Registrar: Linda Rudolphi
281 Ruby Road,
Noble, IL 62868
Email: performanceshagyaregistry@gmail.com
Website: www.performanceshagyaregistry.org
American Shetland Pony Club
81 B Queenwood Road,
Morton, IL 61550
309-263-4044; Fax: 309-263-5113
Email: info@shetlandminiature.com
Website: www.shetlandminiature.com/
American Shire Horse Association
Sharon McLin, Secretary
P.O. Box 408, Lake Delton, WI 53940
Office: 888-302-6643; Fax: 608-253-6204
Website: www.shirehorse.org/
North American Single-Footing Horse Association
4055 Villa Creek Road, Cayucos, CA 93430
Email: contact@singlefootinghorse.com
Website: www.singlefootinghorse.com
Spanish-Barb Breeders Association
PO Box 1628, Silver City, NM 88062
Email: info@spanishbarb.com
Website: www.spanishbarb.com
Spanish Mustang Registry
Marye Ann Thompson
4970 S Kansas Settlement Road, Willcox, AZ 85643
Email: MAT@vtc.net
Central Texas Sporthorse Breeders
Website: www.sporthorsebreeders.com
South Central Sporthorse Breeders Association
Mary Claeys-Smith, Treasurer - SCSBA
1908 FM 3048 Cleburne, TX 76031
Website: www.scsbreeders.com
International Sporthorse Registry &
Oldenburg Warmblood Registry
International Sport Horses of Color
P. O. Box 294,
Newcastle, CA 95658
Email: info@shoc.org
Website: www.shoc.org/
International Spotted Horse Registry Association
P. O. Box 412, Anderson, MO 64831
Email: ishrppa@aol.com
866-201-3098 / 417-475-MARE (6273)
also see:
International Spotted Horse & Pintaloosa Registry
ishrppa@aol.com or pintaloosa53@aol.com
National Spotted Saddle Horse Association
P.O. Box 898, Murfreesboro, TN 37133-0898
Email: nssha898@aol.com
Website: www.nssha.com
Spotted Saddle Horse Breeders & Exhibitors Association
P. O. Box 1046,
Shelbyville, TN 37162
931-684-7496; Fax: 931-684-7215
Email: jprince@sshbea.org
National Stock Horse Association
P. O. Box 1290, Strathmore, CA 93267
559-789-7007; FAX: 866-858-0957
Email: nationalstockhorse@gmail.com
Website: www.nationalstockhorse.com/
American Suffolk Horse Association
Mary Margaret M. Read, Secretary
4240 Goehring Road,
Ledbetter, TX 78946-5004
Email: suffolks@cvctv.net
Website: www.suffolkpunch.com
Swedish Warmblood
Association of North America
P.O. Box 788,
Socorro, NM 87801,
Email: Office@swanaoffice.org
Website: www.swanaoffice.org
•The Jockey Club (Thoroughbred)
821 Corporate Drive,
Lexington, KY 40503-2794
859-224-2700; Fax: 859-224-2710
Jockey Club Executive Offices:
40 East 52nd Street,
New York, NY 10022
212-371-5970; Fax: 212-371-6123
Email: comments@jockeyclub.com
Website: www.jockeyclub.com/
Tiger Horse Association
1604 Fescue Circle,
Huddleston, VA 24104
540-297-2276; fax: 540-297-7134
Email: information@tigerhorses.org
Website: www.tigerhorses.org

American Trakehner Association, Inc.
1514 West Church Street,
Newark, OH 43055
740-344-1111; Fax: 740-344-3225
Email: atahorses@alltel.net
Website: www.americantrakehner.com/
International Miniature Trotting & Pacing Association
254-853-2806; Fax: 254-853-3744
International Trotting & Pacing Association (Trottingbred)
60 Gulf Road,
Gouverneur, NY 13642
Phone/Fax: 315-287-2294
Email: ldenesh@twcny.rr.com
Website: www.trottingbreds.homestead.com
United States Trotting Association (Standardbred)
Fred J. Noe, Executive Vice President
750 Michigan Avenue,
Columbus, OH 43215-1191
614-224-2291; Fax: 614-224-4575
Email: fjn@ustrotting.com
Website: www.ustrotting.com
•The National Walking Horse Association
The Kentucky Horse Park
4059 Iron Works Parkway, Suite 4,
Lexington, KY 40511
Phone: 859-252-NWHA (6942); FAX: 859-252-0640
Website: www.nwha.com
2012 Affiliate of United States Equestrian Federation
Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders & Exhibitors Association
P. O. Box 286,
Lewisburg, TN 37091-0286
931-359-1574; Fax: 931-359-2539
Email: twhbea@twhbea.com
Website: www.twhbea.com/
Walking Horse Owners Association of America
Email: whoa@walkinghorseowners.com"
Website: http://www.walkinghorseowners.com/

American Warmblood Society
2 Buffalo Run Road,
Center Ridge, AR 72027
501-893-2777; Fax: 501-893-2779
Email: aws@americanwarmblood.org
Website: www.americanwarmblood.org/
Celtic Warmblood Registry
World wide registry for Irish Draught and Irish Draught crosses
Cynthia Lurix, Registrar
P.O. Box 148,
Fulshear, TX 77441
Email: Registrar@CelticWarmblood.com
Website: www.celticwarmblood.com
Welsh Pony & Cob Society of America, Inc.
Official US Breed Registry
720 Green St. Stephens City, VA 22665
Email: info@welshpony.org
Westfalen Horse Association
Membership & Dues,
Barbara Putnam
2820 N. Liberty Road, NE, North Liberty, IA 52317
319-626-2516; Fax: 319-626-2493
Email: joandeere@aol.com
Website: www.westfalenhorse.org
Wild Horses of America Registry
See Mustangs