Educational & Service Organizations
This is a FREE listing.
If you have new information:
a change of address, officers, contact name,
telephone number, website, email address or
a new organization
that is not listed,
please notify the
Texas Horseman's Directory,
P. O. Box 625, Cypress, TX 77410 or
call: 281-373-9304 or
email to: directory@texhorseman.com.
The following information is verified
as closely as possible
and is updated frequently.
For the latest information always remember to "reload".
Need a Barn Cat, Help A Feral Cat in Need

American Association of Equine Practitioners
4033 Iron Works Pike,
Lexington, KY 40511
(859)233-0147 or Toll Free: (800)443-0177 (U.S. & Canada)
Email: aaepoffice@aaep.org
Website: aaep.org

American Association for Horsemanship Safety, Inc.
Does this still exist?
Texas Equestrian
Texas Equestrian Team @
The University of Texas @ Austin
Website: www.txequestrian.com

American Farriers Association
2201 Regency Rd, Ste 704, Lexington, Kentucky 40503
859-233-7411; Toll Free: 877-268-4505
Fax: 859-231-7862
E-mail: info@americanfarriers.org
Website: americanfarriers.org
Texas Professional Farriers Association
Email: txprofarrierassn@gmail.com
Website: www.tpfa.org/

Equestrian Aid Foundation 501(c)(3)
Improving the lives of horsemen in need
11924 W. Forest Hills Blvd., Suite 10A-377,
Wellington, FL 33414
Email: contact@equestrianaid.org
Website: www.equestrianaidfoundation.org
Equine Land Conservation Resource
Saving land for horses and horse-related activities
4037 Iron Works Parkway, Suite 120
Lexington, KY 40511
859-455-8383; Fax: 850-455-8381
Email: info@elcr.org
Website: elcr.org
EQUUS Foundation, Inc. 501(c)(3)
168 Long Lots Road,
Westport, CT, United States, Connecticut
Email: equus@equusfoundation.org
Website: equusfoundation.org
The Guide Horse Foundation
Miniature Horses for the blind
Website: www.guide-horse.org

American Horse Council
Your Unified Voice in Washington
1775 Tysons Blvd, 5th Floor, Suite 6110,
McLean, VA 22102
Website: horsecouncil.org
E-mail: info@horsecouncil.org
Arkansas Horse Council
Website: www.arhorsecouncil.org/
Colorado Horse Council
Kansas State Horse Council
Website: www.kansashorsecouncil.com
Oklahoma Industry Horse Council
Website: www.oklahomahorseindustrycouncil.com/

Texas State Horse Council
The Livestock Conservancy
(Formerly The Amrican Livestock Breeds Conservancy)
PO Box 477, 33 Hillsboro St
Pittsboro, NC 27312
Website: livestockconservancy.org
American Riding Instructors Association & Certification Program
P.O. Box 366,
Alton, NH 03809
239-948-3232; Fax: 239-948-5053
Email: aric@riding-instructor.com
Website: www.riding-instructor.com

Certified Horsemanship Association
1795 Alysheba Way, Suite 7102,
Lexington, KY 40509
Member Services Director: Terri Weaver,
859-259-3399; Fax: 859-255-0726
Email: tweaver@CHA.horse
Website: cha.horse
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
424 East 92nd Street,
New York, NY 10128
Adoption & General Inquiries: 212-876-7700, ext: 4655
Website: www.aspca.org
The Humane Society of the United States
1255 23rd St. NW, Suite 450
Washington, DC 20037
202-452-1100 or 866-720-2676
Website: www.hsus.org
Houston SPCA
7007 Old Katy Road, Houston, Texas 77024
Adoption Center: 713-869-7722
Rehoming Center & Deliveries, 900 Portway Drive,
Houston, Texas 77024
24-hour injured animal rescue: 713-880-4357
Website: act.houstonspca.org
CP National Horse Show
The National Horse Show
2245 Stone Garden Lane, Lexington, KY 40513
General Information: Cindy Bozan, 859-608-3709
Email: cindy@nhs.org
Website: nhs.org
American Wild Horse Campaign
P.O. Box 1733, Davis, CA
(877) 853-4696
Email: contact@americanwildhorsecampaign.org
Website: americanwildhorse campaign.org

Mustang Heritage Foundation
200 University Blvd., Suite 225, #110,
Round Rock, TX 78665
Email: info@mustangheritagefoundation.org
Website: mustangheritagefoundation.org
Wild Horse Education
Contact Info: Laura@WildHorseEducation.org
501c3 registered public charity with the IRS.
Contributions are tax deductible according to
the rules of the IRS.
National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum
1700 NE 63rd Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73111
Website: nationalcowboymuseum.org
The Dressage Foundation
Mission: To cultivate and provide
financial support for the advancement of
dressage in the United States.
1314 O Street, Suite 305,
Lincoln, NE 68508
Email: info@dressagefoundation.org
Website: www.dressagefoundation.org
Kentucky Horse Park
4089 Iron Works Parkway, Lexington, KY 40511
Email: General Park Information info@kyhorsepark.com
Website: www.kyhorsepark.com/
Morris Animal Foundation
720 S. Colorado Blvd., Suite 174A
Denver, CO 80246
Website: www.morrisanimalfoundation.org/
National 4H Youth Conference Center
Website: www.4-h.org
Texas Area Councils: texas4-h.tamu.edu/
National Future Farmers of America
6060 FFA Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46278-1370
General Inquiries: tours@ffa.org
Website: www.ffa.or/About?g
Race Track Chaplaincy of America, Inc.
Website: rtcanational.org
National Ranching Heritage Center
at Texas Tech University
3121 Fourth Street, Lubbock, TX 79409
Email: ranchhc@ttu.edu
Website: ranchingheritage.org
Special Olympics
3712 Benson Drive, Suite 102
Raleigh, NC
(919) 785-0699
Email: LIdaszak@specialolympics.org
Website: www.specialolympics.org
Net Posee ID
(formerly The Stolen Horse Report)
Help to find missing horses all over the world
P.O. Box 1341, Shelby, NC 28151
Email: info@netposse.com
Website: netposse.com/default.asp
Like us on Facebook Page
Texas Animal Health Commission
Street Address: 2105 Kramer Lane, Austin, Texas 78758
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 12966, Austin, Texas 78711-2966
512-719-0700; Toll Free: 1-800-550-8242
General Inquiries: comments@tahc.texas.gov
Website: www.tahc.texas.gov
Texas Humane Legislative Network
P.O. Box 685283,
Austin, TX 78768-5283
Website: www.thln.org
Email: outreach@thin.org
United Horse Coalition
1775 Tysons Blvd
5th Floor, Suite 6110,
McLean VA 22102
Offfice: 202-296-4031
Fax: 202-296-1970
Website: unitedhorsecoalition.org
Unwanted Horse Coaition
Need a Barn Cat?
Aggie Feral Cat Alliance of Texas
Texas A & M University
E-mail: AFCAT@cvm.tamu.edu
Shadow Cats Adoption Center
Shadow Cats is a 501c3 non-profit organization
dedicated to improving the lives of abused,
abandoned, feral, stray, and injured cats
in Round Rock, Austin and surrounding areas.
We take in ONLY feline leukemia positive cats.
Send correspondence to: P. O. Box 720,
Round Rock, TX 78680-0720
Parcels to:
Shadow Cats,
17 Lake Drive,
Round Rock, TX 78665
Email: info@shadowcats.net
Website: shadowcats.net
San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition (SAFCC)
Trap - Neuter - Return Works! Fix'em and Feed'em
P. O. Box 692308, San Antonio, TX 78269-2308
Email: info@sanantonioferalcats.org
210-877-9067 - Help Line and Adoption List
Website: sanantonioferalcats.org
Texas Barn Cats
210-232-2790 or 210-378-9036
Email: info@texasbarncats.org
Website: texasbarncats.org
Weatherford Barn Cat Program
303 Palo Pinto Street,
Weatherford, TX 76086
Phone: 817-598-4000
Adopt a Barn Cat: 817-598-4111
Website: BarnCatProgram
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LAST UPDATE: 11 October, 2023