Equine Adoption,
Rescue & Retirement
This is a FREE listing.
If you have new information:
a change of address, officers, contact name,
telephone number, website, email address or
a new organization
that is not listed,
please notify the
Texas Horseman's Directory,
P. O. Box 625, Cypress, TX 77410 or
call: 281-373-9304 or
email to: directory@texhorseman.com.
A Place for Peanut
Equine Therapy and Rescue
Contact: Megan, 832-689-5740
Email: aplaceforpeanut@gmail.com
Website: aplaceforpeanut.com
Black Beauty Ranch
A world-renowned animal sanctuary
Mailing Address:
12526 County Road 3806
Murchison, Texas 75778
Email: blackbeautyinfo@fundforanimals.org
Website: www.humanesociety.org/blackbeautyranch
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BlackBeautyRanch
Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society
Rescuing horses and other equine in Texas and Arkansas
501(c)(3) non-profit organization
P. O. Box 632, College Station, TX 77841-0632
Phone: 888-542-5163
Email: info@bluebonnetequine.org
Adoption questions & information:
Website: www.bluebonnetequine.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BluebonnetEquineHumaneSociety
Brighter Days Horse Refuge, Inc.
(See: Hill Country Horse Rescue)
Creekside Farm Miniature Horse
and Donkey Sanctuary
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 117801,
Carrollton, TX 75011
(972) 736 2364
Email: creeksidefarmhorserescue@yahoo.com
Facebook: CreeksideFarmandEquineRescue/
Dove Creek Equine Rescue
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 1600,
Canyon, Texas 79015
Physical Location:
16201 Gordon Cummings Rd.,
Canyon, TX 79015
Surrendering a Horse, Volunteer, Adoption & Tours:
Ali McEwen, 806-367-0808 or
Led By Horses/Equine Assisted Healing:
Laurie Higgins-Kerley, 806-236-2660 or
Office Administration, Marketing & Communication:
Erika McGee, 806-640-4910 or
Website: www.dovecreekequinerescue.org
Easy R Equine Rescue
Rescue, Rehabilitate, Rehome
501(c)(3) non-profit
Mailng Address: 3531 152nd Street,
Lubbock, Texas 79423
Email: information@easyequinerescue.org
Angie Alspaugh, Executive Director
806-928-1403 or
Email: angiealspaugh@sptc.net
Website: www.easyrequinerescue.org
Facebook: Easy R Equine Rescue
Equine Rehabilitation
Central Texas (ERCT)
Rehabilitating Rescued Horses
Lisa Rivers, President, 512-484-8480
17000 Trails End Cove, Leander, TX 78641
Phone: 512-484-8480
Website: www.horseserct.org/
Facebook: equinerehabilitationofcentraltexas/
GoldStar Stables Horse Rescue and Sanctuary
501(c)3 non-profit organization
Forever Homes for Four Legged Friends!
17131 CR 603, Farmersville, TX 75442
469-803-0054 or Email: GoldStarStables1@gmail.com
Website: goldstarstables.com
Habitat for
Horses- 501(c)(3)
6060 Habitat for Horses Lane, Alvin, TX 77511,
Phone: 409-935-0277
Email: office@habitatforhorses.org
Adoption Information: Adoption Info
Website: www.habitatforhorses.org/
Facebook: Habitat.for.Horses.org
Happened by Chance Horses, Inc.- 501(c)(3)
Rescue, Rehabilitate and Rehome
President: Linda Nemec
1457 Ewald Road, New Braunfels, Texas 78130
Phone: 210-307-7935
Email: happenedbychancehorse@gmail.com
Website: www.happenedbychancehorses.com
Henry's Home Horse
and Human Sanctuary
EAGALA & 501(c)(3)
14638 Perry Road,
Conroe, TX 77302
Contact: Donna Stedman
Email: info@henryshomesanctuary.org
Website: www.henryshomehorsesanctuary.org/
Hill Country Horse Rescue
A safe haven for horses and donkeys.
(Formerly known as The Brighter Days Horse Rescue)
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Physical Address: 682 Krause Rd, Pipe Creek, TX 78063
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 64032, Pipe Creek, TX 78063
Phone: (830)510-6607
Email: info@hillcountryhorserescue.com
Website: www.hillcountryhorserescue.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hchr2019
Horse Retirement
Sanctuary located in Bastrop, Texas
for Retired Competition horses
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 300571, Austin, TX 78703
Email: info@thehorselink.org
Website: thehorselink.org
Houston Humane Society {501(c)3}
14700 Almeda Road,
Houston, TX 77053
Email: info@houstonhumane.org
Website: www.houstonhumane.org
Facebook: HoustonHumaneSociety
Houston SPCA 501(c)(3)
7007 Old Katy Road, Houston, TX 77024
Injured Animal Rescue Ambulance: 713-880-4357
To Report Animal Cruelty: 713-869-7722
Email: info@houstonspca.org
Website: www.houstonspca.org
Lone Star Outreach to Place Ex-Racers
Providing Texas racehorses with
opportunities for new careers
901 Darden Hill Road
Driftwood, TX 78619
Email: hello@lopetx.org
Website: lopetx.org
Lucky Glider Rescue and Sanctuary
Animal Rescue & Sanctuary of Bosque County
4353 FM 56, Clifton, TX 76634
Email: donations@luckyglider.org
Website: www.luckyglider.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LuckyGlider/
Mustang Heritage Foundation
501 (c)(3) public, charitable, nonprofit organization
dedicated to
facilitating successful adoptions
for America’s excess mustangs and burros
through innovative programs, events, and education.
Mailing Address: 200 University Blvd., Suite 225, #110
Round Rock, TX 78665
Phone: 512-869-3225
Website: mustangheritagefoundation.org
Facebook: mustangheritagefoundation/
Panhandle Safe Haven
Equine Rescue - 501(c)(3)
President: Terri Gammage
1809 Plateau, Amarillo, Texas 79106
Phone: 806-681-5161
Email: frostiesmom@hotmail.com
Website: www.panhandlehorserescue.org
Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue
The World's leading Donkey Rescue Organization
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 216, Miles, TX 76861
Physical Address: 8317 Duckworth Road,
San Angelo, Texas 76905
Office: 866-366-5731
General Info, Tours, Donkey Related Donations
& Adoptions: 866-366-5731
Fax: 866-898-6182
General Info Email: info@pvdr.org
Exec. Dir. Mark Meyers: mark@pvdr.org
CFO, Amy Meyers: amy@pvdr.org
Adoption Info: adopt@pvdr.org
Western States Reg. Mng., Madison Nealy: madison@pvdr.org
Central States Reg. Mng. Kim Lambright: kim@pvdr.org
Eastern States Reg. Mng., Kimberly Clark: kimberly@pvdr.org
Website: donkeyrescue.org
GFAS Accredited Sanctuary
Ranch Critters Equine Rescue
Equine Rescue/Sanctuary/Endangered Spanish Mustangs
Sponsoring/Adopting Unwanted Equine Animals
24520 Levy Lane,
Hempstead, TX 77445
Directors: Charlie Renken & Gwen Murphy
Phone: 281-414-4102
Email: ranchcritters.heehaw@gmail.com
Website: www.ranchcritters.org
Ranch Hand Rescue
Animal sanctuary, counseling center,
and safe haven for victims of sex trafficing
501 (c)(3) farm animal rescue center and sanctuary
8827 Hwy. 377 S., Argyle, TX 76226
Office: 940-240-0500
Email: info@ranchhandrescue.org
Bob's House of Hope: P. O. Box 1047, Argyle, TX 76226
Bob's email: bob@ranchhandrescue.org
Website: Ranch Hand Rescue
Remember Me Rescue
Retired Race Horse Program
Accredited by the
Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance since 2014
501 (c)(3)
4100 Conveyor Drive,
Burleson, TX 76028
Contact: Donna Keen, 817-689-1214
Email: remembermerescue@live.com
Website: The Remember Me Program
Richardson Equine Rescue Inc.
Lynne Richardson, CEO/President
P. O. Box 1028, Van Horn, TX 79855
Physical Location: 39959 FM 2017, Van Horn, TX
Phone: 484-529-8038
Email: homeforhoove@yahoo.com
Facebook: Richardson-Equine-Rescue-Inc
Rocky's Fight Horse Rescue - 501(c)(3)
2311 Morgan Lane, Ingleside, Texas 78362
Founder/CEO, Tracey Gutierrez: 210-827-1171
Vice President, Andrea Bice: 361-534-0282
Secretary, Larry Bice: 817-526-9786
Email: rockysfighthorserescue@gmail.com
Facebook: Rocky's Fight"
Safe Haven Equine Rescue
and Retirement
A Place Where Horses Come to Heal
501(c)(3) non-profit
4994 FM 2088, Gilmer, TX 75644
Email: safehavenrescue@etex.net
Website: www.safehavenequinerescue.com
Serenity Horse Haven - 501(c)(3)
Canton, Texas 75103-1257
Phone: 903-287-0010
Email: info@SerenityHorseHaven.org
Visitors by appontment only
Website: www.horserescueregistry.org
Spirit Run Equine Rescue
A Place where every life matters.
2233 Ironwood, Gilmer, Texas 75644
Phone: 903-331-4011 or 903-331-2542
Email: spiritrunequinerescue@gmail.com
Website: www.spiritrunequinerescue.com
Texas Humane Legislative Network
We promote the humane treatment of animals
through legislation, education, and advocacy.
THLN's purpose is to pass effective legislation
for the animals in the Texas Legislature.
We do not have the resources to deal directly
with animal cruelty or adoption issues,
but we can recommend several organizations that do.
P. O. Box 685283, Austin, TX 78768-5283
Phone: 1-888-548-6263
Website: www.thln.com
TMR Rescue, Inc. - 501(c)(3)
Todd Mission Ranch
Providing safe sanctuary to
Donkeys, Mules and Horses
9977 County Road 302, Plantersville, TX 77363
Guest Welcome by Appointment
Contact: Bill Fenner, Ranch Manager, 832-299-5660 or
Email: RanchManager@TMRRescue.com
Contact: Johnny Straitz, Founder, 713-256-7186 or
Email: Johnny@TMRRescue.com
Website: www.tmrrescue.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TmrRescueInc
Interested in adoption? Email: Adoptions@TmrRescue.com
Triple Me Mac
Equine Sanctuary
Protecting all equines from abuse,
neglect and slaughter
President/Founder: Dixie Neeley
P. O. Box 66, Bulverde, Texas 78163
Email: tmmes@gvtc.com
Website: www.triplememac.org/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TMMES/
Bureau of Land Management,
Attn: Wild Horse & Burro Program
7450 Boston Blvd.,
Springfield, VA 22153
800-370-3936; Fax: 703-440-1656
Email: Inet_Adoption@blm.gov
American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign
P. O. Box 1048, Hillsborough, NC 27278
Phone/Fax: 877-853-4696
Email: contact@wildhorsepreservation.org
Website: AWHPC
Bureau of Land Management National
Wild Horse & Burro Adoption and Sales Program
For information: Adoptions & Sales
Pauls Valley Off Range Corral, Oklahoma: 405-238-7138
Website: Pauls Valley
Bay State Equine Rescue, Inc.
415 Hunt Road, Oakham, MA 01068
Website: www.baystaterescue.org/
Blue Ribbon Equine Rescue
501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization
Located at: Blue Ribbon Meadows Equestrian Center
2820 Old 96 Indian Trail,
Wagener SC 29164
Phone: 803-564-6414
A happy haven for abused, homeless, and retired horses
who might have perished without our intervention.
Chance's Mini Horse Rescue - 501(c)(3)
21500 Bordman Road, Armada, MI 48005
Website: www.chancesminihorserescue.org/
EQUUS Foundation, Inc.
Empowering Horse Charities of America
(AKA: Horse Charities of America)
168 Long Lots Road, Westport, CT 06880
Email: equus@equusfoundation.org
Website: www.equusfoundation.org
Homes for Horses Coalition
4017 Bunch Walnuts Road, Chesapeake, VA 23322
Phone: 757-932-0394
Email: cindy@homesforhorses.org
Website: https://homesforhorses.org
Standardbred Retirement Foundation - 501(c)(3)
Office: 353 Sweetmans Lane, Suite 101,
Millstone Twp., NJ 08535
732-446-4422; Fax: 732-446-4490
Website: www.adoptahorse.org/
The Right Horse Initiative
Christy Counts, President
156 Katonah Avenue, Suite 201
Katonah, New York 10536
Website: therighthorse.org
Placement Resources
Off Track Thoroughbred
Kimberly Clark, President
Phone: 240-216-5197
Send donations to:
Thoroughbred PLacement Resources, Inc.
13130 Molly Berry Road,
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Email: kclark@goodhorse.org
Website: www.goodhorse.org
Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 834,
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Physical Address: 10 Lake Avenue,
Sarasota Springs, NY 12866
518-226-0028; Fax: 518-226-0699
Email: info@thoroughbredretirement.org
Website: www.trfinc.org
Unwanted Horse Coalition
1616 H Street, NW, 7th Floor
Washington, DC 20006
202-296-4031; Fax: 202-296-1970
Website: www.unwantedhorsecoalition.org
Littlegras Ranch, Inc.
a Sanctuary & Support for
& Their Horses
Comfort, Texas
Website: www.littlegrassranch.org
Ranch Hand Rescue
Argyle, Texas
Email: therapy@ranchhandrescue.org
Website: Ranch Hand Rescue
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National Breed Registries
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LAST UPDATE: 12 May, 2024